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Monday, March 28, 2011

Christians Compromised

2 Timothy 4:3-4 (New Living Translation)

 3 For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will reject the truth and chase after myths.

 Are the days of fire and brimstone preaching forever gone? not the scare tactic, but the straight forward truth popular or not.
 Are our pastors, preachers and leaders watering down God's message not to  offend? and possibly lose attendance.
  Is it our pastors job to make us feel good about ourselves every Sunday morning?

Too many Christians are going to church on Sunday to feel better about themselves for not taking a stand. The pulpit over the past several years has come to cater to such non-sense.

 "We have to keep attendance up to pay for the new fellowship hall and the children's building needs a new heating unit"
  "If we offend people, attendance will drop and we won't be able to pay our bills"
  "John Q. Public gives a large check every Sunday in his tithe envelope, don't preach on adultery, he has a girlfriend his wife doesn't know about"

  Who is the head of our Christian church? It was Jesus at one time. Now popular opinion, large givers and self indulgent leaders control the message from the pulpit.

  Jesus loved the sinner but hated the sin. The woman who was to be stoned for adultery. He forgave her, and he told her to sin no more. He loved her and forgave her but told her to sin no more. He didn't say "don't get caught again", "try to stop...ok..please.."
   The political hot button of homosexuality. There are homosexuals in the pulpit of so-called Christian churches and in other leadership positions. Talk about compromise in principles. Let me say this...homosexuality is wrong, get over it.
   Does Jesus love the homosexual??? Yes, no doubt but he hates the sin. Different churches are becoming tolerant and compromising Biblical principles. How can you be a church leader and still think Jesus is ok with being a homosexual? I talked to Jesus this morning and He told me He is not ok with it! but He loves you and is waiting for you to truly follow Him.

  Pro-choice and a Christian? Oxy-moron! Sorry you cannot be both. To be both you have to compromise Jesus's teachings.
  Jane Roe (not her real name) of the Roe vs Wade fame has wished she had never been apart of the circus and theatrics that surrounded the supreme court case. By the way, she has never had an abortion. She was needed to stay pregnant to help the 1973 case. Abortion is killing a child, doesn't matter if it is at conception or a few weeks down the road..it is Murder!

 What has been your compromise today? What have you been tolerant of and not said anything for fear of not being politically correct? Think about this my Christian brothers and sisters,,,, when you remain quiet to situations that do not reflect Biblical principles, you are denying Jesus!!

 Where does this tolerant attitude begin? Why are so many Christians complacent in ability to stand up for what is right? well........

 It all began when our Christian leaders, pastors, preachers and priest decided it was better to be popular instead of being right with Jesus.

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