Countries Reading "I Am Forgiven": United States, Canada, Brazil, United Kingdom, Ireland, Croatia, Russia, South Africa, Pakistan, Kuwait, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Israel, United Arab Emirates, India, Finland, New Zealand, Vietnam, Nigeria, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Jordan, Ghana, Singapore, Hungary, Denmark, Australia, Turkey, Germany, Bahrain, Venezuela, Kenya, Netherland Antilles, Trinidad, Tobago, Zimbabwe, Romania, Greece, Iceland, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Nova Scotia, France, Chili, Spain, Sweden, Israel,Taiwan, Japan, Zambia, Morocco, Tanzania, China, Ukraine, Guam, Bulgaria, Malawi, Austria, Norway, Ecuador, Mexico, Poland, Argentina, Estonia, South Korea, Oman, Namibia, Italy, Argentina, Ecuador, Belarus, Cyprus, Slovenia

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Going Deeper (Part 2) stronger relationship with Jesus

  How do we develop a stronger relationship with Jesus. 

Get in the Word! (The Bible)
What you put in is what you put out.
Did I mention....Pray.


We cometh before thee so we shall'eth be'th sanctified in your most glorious presence'th.

....and bless my dog, my cat and my fish Fred...oh and the ants in the front yard...

Oh Lord I need a million dollars....Amen   ...  tax free??

Sound familiar? Maybe it is you. maybe you have heard prayers similar to these. What is prayer really??

   Prayer in its most simple form is a conversation between you and God. Spoken as you would to a friend sitting next to you on a bench. It's honest and from the heart.
   I have always had a hard time praying out loud. I have found that I am not alone in this phobia either. We need to remember that we are praying to God and not to impress those around us. 
   Start small and go from there......

  I want to go deeper. Amen

The Bible, the Word! Get in it!! :

  Choices, choices and more choices..... Which translation? Do I need a Life Application Bible or a parallel Bible? 
  Here are just a few choices and their strengths.

The Message - Easy to read in todays language. Reads like a book from a library would.
King James Bible - Tradition literal text. 
New International Version (NIV) Like the King James Bible but in todays language.

Parallel Bible - 2 or more translations on the same page for comparison.
Life Application Study Bible - variety of translations. Study notes emphasize how to live out the principles of scripture instead of the more traditional historical details of that period.

  Which ever you choose, start with the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) at the beginning of the New Testament. Then build from there.
   Read Proverbs in the Old Testament.  Read a proverb a day for 30 days.
   Find a good Bible study.

  Personally I like The Message. It flows like a good story. I have also downloaded different books of the Bible in different translations. I can listen to a book while waiting in line or when out riding. DVD's about the Bible are good also for those of us who need the visual as well as audio.

  Be sure to pray before starting your Bible reading. Ask for understanding.


  "Garbage in, garbage out" Most of us have heard this expression. It is amazing how true this is in todays life. The movies we watch, the music we listen to and the people we associate with all influence our thinking and our decisions.

 It Is Time For A Change!!

  Have you ever found yourself in a group of people at work or even at church and the conversation starts becoming uncomfortable? Maybe it was gossip about someone, or maybe just every word was dripping with negativity. We are uncomfortable for a reason, something is not right. "If you lie down with dogs you will get up with fleas"

  How do you feel when you watch a good movie. A good moral story about life, a feel good movie. You feel good right? not negative and depressed. Think it is an accident???

  What about the music you listen to or our children? Just take a look at the Billboards top 5 songs for the week of 2/5/2011. 
  Music can set our moods and how we feel about ourselves. The theme to the original Rocky. Listen to it while working out or working on a project and you feel like you could tackle Mount Everest.

  This was not as hard as I thought. It started small and grew from there. People I associate with on a regular basis are a strong Christian influence. What I watch on TV or when we go see a movie, I think about what I want out of this entertainment then ask for guidance and make the right decision. I love music, all types. There are so many different Christian groups that whatever your favorite genre is, it is out there!  By the way, Petra is one of my favorites.


Did I mention prayer?  Pray!

 The power of prayer can not be measured. Doctors are amazed by it, scientist can not explain it. The power is REAL!

  Here is a challenge. Do the following for 30 days.

1. Read a proverb from the Book of Proverbs each day.
2. Each day pray before you read your Bible, ask for understanding.
3. Before making even the smallest decision ask God for his guidance.
4. Thank God for a glorious day before you go to bed.
5. When you wake up, tell God good morning and ask for his guidance.

Doing the four steps above and the challenge will get you well on your way to developing a stronger relationship with Jesus. I know it works because it is the same steps that I took and I still work on. It is not perfection but progress. If you slip or stumble...don't worry Jesus has you in His arms and will help you on your journey. I'm still traveling on my path and I can say it keeps getting better and better.

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