Believers live in a world that is ever changing and ever moving away from Biblical truths.
We find ourselves making decisions every day based on what?? What the world expects or what Jesus would have us to do??
If we decide on the higher path and follow what Jesus would do, do we find ourselves wondering "Will this really make a change", "What will others think?"
We are called to be "different" from a worldly prospective. Our nature should be about forgiveness, putting others before us. When Jesus spoke about "the last will be first" He was showing us a path to be followed.....Think of others before ones self.
I know some of the thoughts that go thru my head, " Does it really matter?", "They will just keep coming back for more handouts".
Teach a man how to fish and he can feed himself, rather then give him a handout. I've heard this phrase all my life and Biblically speaking it falls short of what Jesus wants us to do or teaches.
I believe that you must do BOTH, feed him and teach him how to fish, (buy him a fishing pole while your at it). That way his hunger is satisfied for now, but he also has the ability to feed himself. Just don't hand them a Bible, show them how to read the Bible and get the most from the Bible.
I think most Christians today are willing to give a hungry person something to eat, but as Believers do we take it to the next step? Help him find a job maybe? Come back the next day to see what other needs they need met? Most throw them a couple dollars and move on....saying to themselves "I have done my good deed for the day, maybe brag about it, by casually mentioning it that evening.
Believers need to take it to the next level, "What else can I do to help this person?"

We need to stop worrying about what others think and concern ourselves in what Jesus thinks of our decisions.
The past few years have seen some major changes in my life. Some have been incredibly painful, while others have been an outpouring of joyfulness. I have seen the painful lessons that I have endured turn to blessings in the Makers hands.
Believers need to be asking/praying daily for Jesus to lead them down the right path, then wait on the answers. The Holy Spirit will guide you thru all the pitfalls that come before us...if you allow it, ask for it and follow His leading.
Does it really matter? Yes, it really does make a difference!
What will others think? What does Jesus think?
I know it has been a while since my last post. Computer problems and life in general got in the way. Thanks for reading this short post, You can make a difference, be radical, step out and up in His name, and take it to the next level!!
Love you all and God Bless you always