The answer is an easy one. You ARE called and it happened when you accepted Jesus into your heart.
Romans 12:1 and Ephesians 4:11 tell us we are called to be different parts of the body of Christ.
Some will be called to be pastors, apostles, teachers, healers, evangelist, prophets,etc.,. The gifts of the Spirit help us in our journey.
The calling is most likely something you feel deep down in your heart. It is not probable that you will receive an e-mail or fax from God asking you to be an evangelist or apostle. We are all called to be part of the body. As one part of our body is not more important then another so is the way with the body of Christ. Paul reminds us in Romans 12.
My calling....
When I was first called (i'm stubborn) I was about 16 years old. I felt my life was to be given to become a preacher/pastor. I studied the Bible and went to church. I even taught a senior adult Bible study class. I was on the right path.
Something happened.

There were many times during those "dark" years that I thought about it, but always concluded that my past had disqualified me from any ministry. I just pushed deeper into a secular world that accepted me (I thought) and supported me. (NOT)
I thought I was too far gone. What did I have to offer the ministry anyway?? How not to do life?? Pastors, evangelist can not have a "dark" past. They can not have been divorced.....more then once. I wasn't a good steward, I had a bankruptcy in my past as well. That solved it, there was nothing I could offer a ministry of any type. Sorry Jesus, I have made too many mistakes to follow the path you have for my life...what is plan "B"? He answered me loud and clear. A strong voice that can still bring tears to my eyes, He said......
"What mistakes are you talking about? I don't remember any of what you just told me."

A friend of my wife and I reminded us what Jesus had done for all of us. She called Him, "My Jesus" and I wanted to be back where I could say those words again too.. "My Jesus"
It was so good to be with Jesus in my life again, He was always there, I just had kept pushing Him into the back ground. I learned to ask His advice on everything again. I learned to be still and listen to His words. I learned to wait until it was His timing not mine. I learned who the Holy Spirit is to me.
You know what??.. Over a short period of time, the path He had for me was becoming clearer. It was the path he had for me almost 30 years ago. This time the path was stronger, it had experiences on both sides, it was paved with testimonies of my life and it was lighted by Jesus.
What if Paul had felt his past disqualified him? He was a murderer. He sought to destroy the first church.
What if Moses felt his stutter could not be overcome?
Matthew was a tax collector- need i say more about him?
David was an adulterer and a murderer
Thomas doubted
The disciples fell asleep
Jonah was stubborn

God does not call people who are already equipped, He calls them and then He equips them. I like it better that way. It is all Him, I am humbled in His presence and His calling on my life.
I now follow Jesus in our ministry. 24/7. Our ministry is to pray for, help and love others who also have felt that have screwed up so bad that there is no way to come back to Him. His arms are open for you. Say it, shout it, let all hear, Shout it out!!!! " I AM FORGIVEN!!"
And the Lord said!!!!
ReplyDeleteAMEN! POWERFUL and TRUE!! Thank you Jesus.
ReplyDeleteAMEN! POWERFUL and TRUE! Thank you Jesus! :-)
ReplyDeleteI am sharing Rebel Deacon (Miles) :-0) God Bless you more abundantly because we serve a God of infinite abundance :-0) Amen!
ReplyDeleteO I know it I just feal lost right now. There is so much evil crouching at my door trying to scare me. I have no money or job some powers are playing devide and conker with me, cutting me of from all friends and family. I'm just confused, I know full well that only God controles every aspect of life. I love Jesus Christ and thats all. One thing that is strange to me is that where I never used to be ashamed of anything that I did and the more sinful it was probably I would be more proud as long as it diden't involve hurting another person. Now I am quite ashamed of my past and yet I'm not so much because I know Jesus has washed away my sin and I love Jesus so much. I just wish I could preach it to the world and bring every biker and Indian to love Jesus the saviour of the worled as I do. Thats just how I feel led and those to groups of people seem to be my greatest apponents. I guess we don't get to choose who we Love.
ReplyDeleteThere is no need to be ashamed. His blood covered all sins brother. So what is keeping you from sharing your testimony with others to help them find the love of Jesus? I think we have a bit in common brother. My website has a testimony page, you could start there. You don't have to put a name unless you want. God bless you brother!
ReplyDeleteThank you Jesus Christ. Save me from myself Lord. Grant me wisdom, knowledge, understanding. Teach me to better pray.