Remember (if your old enough) the movie with Marlon Brando, "The Wild One"
Mildred (girl in cafe) asked Brando "What are you rebelling against?"
Brando answers "What do you got"
The more I thought about it, the more I felt that wasn't me and when we changed churches I dropped the alias. I just wanted to be me. I wanted to follow Jesus where ever he led me, I'm not a "rebel"..... well I didn't think I was.
If you have read some of my past post, you may see a trend. I'm not into compromise when it comes to God's word. I'm also not really tolerant about some of the more politically correct things going on in my country or with Christian Churches. Call me old fashion, but I never once heard in the Bible Jesus being politically correct, or watering down His message so not to offend someone. Our loving Savior always spoke with love and forgiveness. He didn't judge them out of the sin...He loved it out of them.
So I guess when it comes down to it, I must be some type of a "rebel". Jesus was a rebel in His day. He spoke out against the corruption in the temple; He loved and forgave the adulteress and he dined with prostitutes and tax collectors. Praise God that he sent His Son for "those" people, people just like me.....and you. To love us and forgive us every time we stumble or fall into sin. He picks us back up, dust the dirt away, holds us close and tells us how much He loves us. Then He forgets we ever fell in the first place.... isn't that just awesome!!!
My ministry is to spread His message to all! Even those who feel they have really blown it and Jesus could never care or love for them again. He can and He does.
If your reading this, or someone sent this to you, it is because they care about you and I do too. Your not forgotten. The blood that covered my sins, covers yours too. How do I know? The Bible tells us over and over about God's love for us and His forgiveness.
King David "a man after God's own heart" was a murderer, an adulterer. He broke the commandments. When he realized (thank you Nathan the prophet) that he had sinned and totally blown it. He asked for God's forgiveness, he repented of his sins and God forgave him. He does the same for all of us who slip and make mistakes.
I know some of you that are reading this may have been "saved" at an early age, or maybe you fell away after some time, I know I did and it was a tough road getting back to the path He had for me, but I made it and so can you. It's about developing a relationship with Him. You can know the guy down the street but not have a relationship. Jesus wants to have a relationship with you and I.
The road coming back is a hard one, I'm not going to lie to you, but my brothers and my sisters it is so worth every step. That I can promise you.
Rebel Deacon mmmm I think I like it more now then before, maybe one day it will be Rebel Reverend???? Brothers, Sisters.. I love you
I have traveled the world...and I love this site..is there prayer warriors..going through a very hard time..yes i was a rebel..almost all my life...now I need support and love..what I have seen is against the law...I do have wonderful memories or my Beloved Grandmother taking me to church 3 times a week in San Jose California..and I grew up and lived in Brussels Belgium..but the wanting of be with her was so overwhelming she was the foundation of my loving my God...since then I have lost 17 people in my life...and I pray and walk this earth in knowing I will see them again..but having problems yet once again and yes it wakes me up..so again love this site but need prayers and so standing on his word that I will go to sleep and not worry about loosing my home need a tennant asap ..for ..she has left and I need someone in there asap doing everything I can so Merci and God Bless!! xo