You no longer have to be ashamed of your past.
You are not your past!
You can walk in freedom, freed from the chains of your past.
You are not the sum of your mistakes!
You can share what Christ has done in you, your testimony.
You are a new creation in Jesus!
Your testimony is a record of what Jesus has done in your life. What He has brought us out of in our life.
My past no longer matters to Jesus. He has cleansed all of it away. Forgotten as if it never happened. Thank you Jesus, Thank you.

No doubt we all have something in our past that we have overcame and stand victorious with Jesus.
How important is a testimony?
How important is an eye-witness testimony in a courtroom? When a doctor needs to diagnose an ailment, he uses the patients past record(testimony) to determine his course of treatment.
If your like me you may have multiple testimonies.
Revival brings many people to know Jesus, but personal testimonies by far have led more people to Jesus. When we listen to a story we tend to pay more attention when the speaker is telling about their life-their testimony. We can see the sorrow, the pain and the anguish the speaker has been thru in their past. Then we can see and hear in their voice the triumphant ending, through Jesus they have overcome the odds. The best sermon, most impacting preaching comes when a personal testimony is told.

Apostles and disciples were next, giving witness and testimony of their time with Jesus. The gospels are their testimonies. Saul of Tarsus, Paul whose letters gave witness to his time with Jesus. Paul's testimony started before he met Jesus on the dirt road. When he was pursuing christians throughout the country. This was a man who sought to kill all believers and destroy the first church. What a testimony this man had!!!!
Today until Jesus returns our faith will triumph not because a great lesson plans, great speakers, bigger and bigger churches or wonderful programs. Our faith will triumph because of the personal testimonies from real people being shared about what the risen King has done in their life.
God bless you all and share with others what Jesus has done for you. You can not share it with too many people.
I consider myself Nothing: I have little to be proud of, I am one of those brothers who got struck down early in life and I thank God for it.
ReplyDeleteI have nothing to brag about exept a love of Jesus Christ and I pray every day the Lord will build me up so I can "Share his messedge" with any brother/sister I come in contact with I pray for all those lost in material lusting after, I pray for the fonicaters, haters, and the ones so full of silly human pride of every sort. I love you all in Jesus Christ and want you to come to know Him and His grace in your life. Be humble brother/sieter eccept the light I'm begging you eccept Christ as Lord of Lord's. I'm calling out to Him now on your behalf and mine. Please come to Christ. Come now the time is short.
Great post! The importance of testimony has been on my mind a lot since late March. A testimony of a completely changed life can't easily be argued with. And so I've been leaning into my own testimony more lately, focusing on using my story of freedom over the past years from more internal issues like a heavy burden, and external symptoms like pornography, to encourage others in their faith.
ReplyDeleteI am in such agreement with you. Having my own struggles in the past, I find that my testimony touches some that other testimonies would not touch. It is up to each of us to share what Jesus has done in our lives, to help others have a better understanding and know they are not alone.