Have they been there for so long that you are comfortable with them? Have they set up camp and become so much a part of your life that you have given up what is rightfully yours? Maybe it’s been so long that you have decided they are part of the ‘deal’, every rose has it thorn?
I say no, I’ll stand with David! Have you decided that ‘everyone else’ is ready to live with them there, even the warriors, have you decided ‘I’ll just make do’. Really? Why should we settle for less than the fullness of what our LORD has for us?

But, you say, ‘you don’t understand my situation’,
OK, but I say back to you, are you going to believe more in the circumstances you can see or more in the God to whom you belong?
Read the accounts in Joshua and ask the Lord to open your eyes to the treasures buried in them.
First, the Lord didn’t lead them to conventional victories. Is that what you are expecting? In each battle, they had to trust Him and believe Him, just read about how they took Jericho. Quietly marching in circles for a week? What do you think those people thought, on both sides of the walls? The account is in Joshua 6.
Now, take the principle into today.
Joshua was listening to the Lord. He was open to His leading and he was quick to do exactly what the Lord led him to do. He didn’t analyze it, he didn’t argue, he didn’t question and he most definitely laid down his pride.
Is the Lord telling you to be still and wait in His presence? Is He telling you to give all you have in worship, yell, jump, even dance? Now, I am not talking about sitting through the first 30 minutes of a church service singing the words off the screen, I am talking about real worship… Alone or with a group, on your face or dancing with all your might, in tears or in joy, in silence or to Petra, real all out worship.
He is also asking you to forgive, to love, yes even your enemies. Do you respond with irritation and frustration? ‘What does that have to do with this horrible stressful mess all around me?’ Everything. All you see is the reality you are experiencing. You can remember the past and speculate the future, but He sees it all, He knows the end from the beginning and He knows right where you are and how to get you to where you need to be. He knows how ‘this’ all works out. Are you with Him or are you going to wander in the wilderness demanding your way whining about how He is against you? The Israelites did it for 40 years, how long will you?

His ways are not our ways. He never does things the way we think He should. I don’t know about you, but looking at my track record when I’ve tried to make it work my way versus when He does things His way, OK, Jesus does it better than I do.
What about you?
Have you really given Him a chance to do it His way or are you too locked into your circumstances that you lose sight of the fact all the giants Joshua and Saul and David fought are defeated and dead and Jesus is alive, victorious and active!

In fact, if you back up to the end of Chapter 5 of Joshua, Joshua is out scouting Jericho and encounters a Man who identifies Himself as The Commander of the Lord’s army, think about that, what commander goes to a battle field with out His army? So if He was there, so was His army….. Who’s victory was Jericho? It was the Lords victory, do you think that battle only took place in the situational natural realm? No, I say I can’t wait to get to heaven and watch that battle in HD replay of the spiritual realm.
What does that have to do with you and your situation?........... Everything!!
If you think there are not heavenly warriors fighting for you, you are mistaken. You are a child of the Most High God, The Commander of the angel armies, do you think He is not fighting for His child? Be still and know HE is LORD, listen to what He would have you do.

Thank You Lord that no weapon that is formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises in judgement against me I shall destroy because my heritage is from you. Isaiah 54:17 You have called and equipped me for your kingdom I take authority over the giants that try to come against me and remind them as David did about my covenant right. Amen.
ReplyDeleteWho realy knows for shure, I mean of coarse God does.But I don't understand his voice for real. I often wonder if I amgoing mad,other times I am simpley over joyed. I always try to test the spirits but who am I to realy know. I tried to help a couple of deonics but I didn't understand. I was easily conned by the spirits into believing it was simpley mental illness and that my brothers were to sick to take there meds properley.
ReplyDeletetwo died by suiside others I knew died by overdose or gunshot or drunken car crash I don't think I was close enough to be of help in the overdose, gunshot or drunken crash to have posibley made the difference.
God has saved me from death all of my life and now that I am pretty much confused and over the hill it looks like he may use me after all. So I have to beleive my life was saved so that I could make a positive difference. I do believe God is about to bless me in a big way. There are people I love and that I would be overjoyed to be able to be an instrument of healling in there lives. I pray that is what I am now being prepared for. Thank you Jesus!
ReplyDeleteWe are called for His purpose. Were you saved to help others? No doubt. You have a unique testimony that will touch many! Stay in His word, seek a good fellowship with other believers who are rooted in His word. You believe God is going to bless you in a big way.....it's going to be bigger then what we can imagine. We see such a small picture of how we ouch others lives, praise God, He can see the big picture! God bless you!