Your not good enough?
You will never change?
You will never be loved? or love again?
You can not do anything right?
I'm just too far gone for even Jesus to forgive.
Have you ever said any of these or something close to yourself?
I have told myself these lies before and more then once. When we make a mistake or make a bad decision, we tell ourself, "I can not do anything right" or "I should have known I would mess it up".
When we allow ourself to become depressed, all of these and more scream out that "we are worthless."

Jesus died on the cross, more then that he was crucified, beaten, mocked and shed His blood so that we ALL can be forgiven. His blood covered all sins, not just the so called little sins. All sins. A sin is a sin.
Come to Me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Therefore now there is NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:1
Be sober-minded; be watchful. Satan prowls around like a mad lion, looking for someone to devour.
1 Peter 5:8
What other lies have you been listening to?
I must earn Gods approval................I am loved and accepted unconditionally apart from any works.
God will crush my personality..........God resurrects a new spirit in me that loves and can be loved.
God will take away my freedoms.....God sets us free from the chains and darkness.
I am garbage and without identity.....I am His beloved, precious in His sight, chosen and authorized to be an expression of His heart to the world.
Whenever you start hearing those lies, counter back with an absolute truth. Go in the bathroom, in the closet or just say it out loud. "Who told me that?", then make statements of faith to defend yourself from the deceiver.
Your not good enough?... Jesus died for me. I know I am good enough for Him.
You will never change?... I am a new creation in Jesus. Jesus changes me from the inside out.
You will never be loved? or love again?.. Jesus' love flows thru me. I am His beloved.
You can not do anything right?.. All things work together for those who love God. (Romans 8:28)
I'm just too far gone for even Jesus to forgive.....There is no condemnation for those in Jesus.
The power of positive thinking has been known to change lives. Imagine the amount of change we will see in our lives if we put God first.
This ministry wants to help everyone. We are all called to spread His word to all the nations. Sometimes it is the believer in our own backyard that needs the help. The one who feels he/she has slipped too far and lost too much ground to finish the race. This simply is not true! Take a look at Peter. He denied Jesus three times when he should have been there and supported Jesus. By the worlds standards Peter would not be forgiven, he would have been labeled a coward for not speaking in defense. Think you have done worse? No, I didn't think so. What did Jesus do? Did Jesus banish him or simply ignore him. No, Jesus forgave him and built His church with Peter. Amazing, unconditional love and forgiveness from our savior Jesus.
I can not say or write enough of what Jesus means to me; a forgiven sinner. I have never known a more pure unconditional love. He is my life. I want to share what Jesus has done for me personally and what He wants to do for you. All you have to do is ask Jesus to forgive you. It really is that simple.
Stop the lies that are holding you back. Stop the lies that are keeping you chained in the darkness. Stop the lies that keep you from running the race. Stop the deceptions that have weighed you down.
Trust Jesus, He will never let you down. Believe you ARE worthy of His love! Believe you ARE important and special to Him. Believe He wants you and has a project that He has picked for you.
If you have questions feel free to leave a comment. As believers we need a firm foundation on Jesus' forgiveness, what it means to us and what it can mean for the unforgiven.
God bless you all always.
I was baptized in the Holy Spirit many witness in church however, I have not gone to chuch in a year will I go to hell?
ReplyDeleteNo I do not believe you are destined for hell. I do believe tho if we are truly re-born of the Spirit that we are drawn to other believers. Church is the people, the fellowship. Church is not a building,a tent or any other man made structure. May I ask why you have not been in fellowship in a year?
ReplyDeleteIput my heart into childrens minestry but got ridiculed for dressing like a clown to potray jesus in a play at church the ministry was based on jesus reasurection every at the time seemed to enjoy the play i also had a dance class to dance i was told the clothes the girls wore was not appropaite they wore shorts and t shirts did i do wrong? i bought rewards for sunday to give to the children and was told they did not need to be rewarded to come to church was this wrong to? i did i wanted so bad to teach the word to children in a sunday school class but never was given the chance god knew my heart now i quit going to church because im afraid of getting hurt again why I dont trust people or church anymore i really got hurt and i tried my heart out i know if i go back to church my heart will be wanting to be envolved again and i wont get to and ill hurt again dont want to go through that again hurts bad in my heart
ReplyDeleteWithout really knowing the context of the play I really cannot comment on that part. Tho, I do believe Jesus has a sense of humor and if your dressing as a clown to portray Jesus to children was for His glory, I don't see an issue with it. Only you know your heart!
ReplyDeleteThe dance team in shorts and t-shirts. I think that comes down to what is proper in your church, legalistic yes, but none the less true.
Rewards is another form of positive feedback. How many parents give their children an allowance for doing housework that they should do gladly. As adults we must do all we can to get the younger generation in church to hear God's word. I have seen too many churches water down or even ignore the children/youth ministry.....very sad.
Not going to church because of what (man) has ridiculed is not a reason, sorry, it's an excuse.
We are to submit to the leadership in our church, with that being said, we are accountable to God for our actions and choices.
Sounds like your church might have been a bit conservative for your spirit. I would suggest trying a new church. Get to know what that church deems as proper. Myself, I have long hair, tattoos, and many past mistakes. The church I attend loves me for who I am in Jesus and not what I look like or my past. Some churches would not like me in their congregation.. I serve one Master- Jesus.
We come to the ministry not to please man but to glorify and praise God. Leadership will always be second guessed and ridiculed for their choices, but it comes down to your heart- Was it to Glorify God or to please man. God Bless
Praise God thank you for the afformation dear Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!
ReplyDeleteI love what I am reading and know perfectly well that of myself I am nothing. Every good thind is from God father, Son Holy Ghost. How it all works I pobabley will never know this side of heaven but glory to God and thank you Jesus I have no other words.
JUST ALL GLORY IN JESUS CHRIST. There is no other name by whitch we can be saved.