I was living the life!!........but joy,happiness in this setting was for a moment only and fleeting.
I came to know my Lord at a young age. I truly believe I understood what that meant at the time. I went to church every Sunday, memorized the scriptures and even taught a senior adult Bible class one Sunday when I was 16. I was on the right path, on fire for Jesus. Witnessing to fellow students.
Then something happen. Sundays were hard to get up and get ready for, the message that was being taught became boring. Pretty soon I was that guy on the back row paying more attention to my girlfriend and ignoring the Word. Church became a place to meet girls and socialize. I really believed that I liked it better this way.
The following years since then has seen me go through two divorces, drinking, and living life to the max for me. I thought that the more money I could bring into my account would make me happier. The more things I owned would surely make me more joyful. Wasn't working to well for me. Well maybe if I had the right car, the expensive watch and the big brick house I would be happy. I mean wouldn't anybody be happy with all of that??? The job, the car, the house and the prestige that comes with it all. I thought so.......then it all changed in the blink of an eye.

A break in the storm.......
My mother invited my wife to a "Beth Moore" concert/bible study a coupe hours away. My wife jumped at the chance to get away. While my wife was away that long weekend I had a chance to really reflect on what was important in my life and what I needed to change. When my loving wife returned from being gone for a few days, the first words were not "I love you" or "I miss you" that I was hoping to hear but instead........
" I rededicated and gave my heart and my life to Jesus! Are you coming with me? "
I didn't see that coming. I don't do well with threats or ultimatums and will usually get very defensive and aggressive when that happens. So many things went thru my mind.."what did my mom do to her?", "it's a trick women's question, be careful what you say". I open my mouth and said.......
It wasn't til a few years later that I learned from my lovely wife that she had intended to leave me that weekend, she was done with me, tired of all the problems, tired of the fights and tired of being broke. My moms invitation was just the break she needed before she made her break. On her way home from the Beth Moore study that weekend she had decided that only "one" answer would be acceptable when she asked "Are you coming with me?", a no, or well maybe, lets talk about it; would not have worked. She was prepared to leave me that very second if I had not open my mouth and let Jesus said "yes!" It wasn't me but it was Jesus coming to my rescue after so many years of denying him and ignoring him, he was there in my true hour of need!
We were both on our knees praying and re-dedicating our lives to Christ.
......and they lived happily ever after. The End
Well not quite. we have still had our moments of discussions and disagreements. She has forgiven me more times then she should have had to but we have both kept our eyes on Jesus. I can honestly say without a doubt that I am happier now then I ever have been. I am more in love with my wife today then ever before. Forgiven

Too many times Christians fall short and feel that they blew it and there is no more redemption...WRONG! Step out of the dark, leave the chains that have kept you bound. Your sins are no different then mine or anyone else. Do you think Christ died on the cross for only a few sins?? or maybe He died for only a select few? NO. His blood covers all! Turn your eyes back to Him.
Totally agree Miles!!! I think one of the coolest things that we don't realize is "it is not like God never saw this(our screw up/sin) coming" I mean he even has the hairs on our head numbered! And God forgives us as soon as we ask for forgiveness. On that note we need to believe in the Father's truly forgiven us! instead of digging ourselves a deeper hole/Grave Lets believe in what Jesus did for us! And Live the Like our Daddy is proud of us(CAUSE HE IS)! Miles you ROCK! I love it keep it coming!
ReplyDeleteThanks Robert. I agree I think too many continue to live in self-bondage because they feel they are not worthy of His love. Guess what.....? We are, that is what the unconditional love is all about.
ReplyDeleteToo often we spend too much time comparing the differences in the details of "our mistakes". I think the point you make is no matter what we feel we've done that is "unforgiveable"...Jesus forgives. That is the common bond we all share, no matter what our past contains. So cool...our "yes" doesn't require perfection. Just a willing heart. Jesus still knows we are going to mess up and He loves us all the time.
ReplyDeleteMiles, I did not just stumble upon this, I feel like in my heart that the Holy Spirit knew that I needed this! Thank you for this wonderful testimony! God Bless you.