Have you ever come to a place in your life where it was so hard and you were so worn down and tired of everything being a struggle and a fight that you just sat down in the middle of the road and said to God “Is this it? Is this all You have for me? Because if this is all there is, if this is Your best, I don’t want it.”
I have, I’ve been there more than once. Did Jesus come, do all that He did to give us salvation so we could then be miserable, stressed out, weary and worn down?
No. The Lord began to teach me, and show me how to have now, no matter what is going on around me, His freedom, His healing, His peace, His joy, His strength and His power in my life. Jesus came to not only fulfill the Old Covenant, but to bring the New Covenant, and my friend, there is way more to the New Covenant in Christ Jesus than salvation.
Jesus does not intend for us to be saved and miserable, broken bound up and powerless. Isaiah 9:2 speaks about those who walk in darkness, then in Isaiah 42:7 the wording shifts, the people have gone from walking in darkness to sitting in darkness. To me walking shows some hope, when you are walking in darkness, the movement shows at least you are moving around, trying to find a way out, but when you give up hope and sit down, its almost like acceptance…. Both of these scriptures lead into speaking of Jesus, and what promises He brings, not only of salvation, but of light in the darkness, joy, increase, broken bonds, freedom.

I believe that Jesus is tired of His people who know Him as Savior sitting in the dark in chains! I heard a wonderful teacher and prophet say any area of your life that you do not have glistening hope, there is a lie. My dear friend, ask the Holy Spirit to start not only showing you the lies you are believing about yourself and about the Lord, but also what His truths are! Jesus said the Truth will set you free! Come on that journey with me and learn to live in the joy and peace and strength and freedom we have already been given. Jesus said it is finished.
Learn to be so rooted in Him, that circumstances don’t control you, you live above them in the promised land He has for you today….and all eternity. Eternity started on the cross more than 2000 years ago. Life in the Light, walking in increasing freedom, joy, amazing peace and power, above what ever situations I find myself in, I’m experiencing God’s best! Are you?
***Yes Amen!!***<((><