Matthew 28:16-20 (The Message)
16-17Meanwhile, the eleven disciples were on their way to Galilee, headed for the mountain Jesus had set for their reunion. The moment they saw him they worshiped him. Some, though, held back, not sure about worship, about risking themselves totally.

Well that is the great commission that Jesus gave his disciples. So get to it!!!!
If it were only that is really.
What if I am rejected?? Ok, who are they rejecting? You or Jesus?
It is not "all about me".
When you share your faith you are successful 100% of the time. Don't think so?? Think about this. When you plant a seed to grow it needs several things to help it grow to maturity. Water, fertilizer, sunlight. Sometimes we are the ones planting the seeds of salvation and sometimes we are watering a seed left by someone before us. Does it matter which one is our job as long as we do our job?
I don't know what to say.
It is not "all about me"
Jesus will speak thru you, you just have to trust Him. Start simple. Share your testimony of how you came to Jesus. I have found this to be very effective in getting me to relax and open up to who I am speaking with at the time. Questions begin to flow in the conversation. Surprise you are sharing your faith my friend.
Who do I talk to? so many out there.
Acts 8 26-40
This is the story of the Ethiopian and Philip. The Lord told Philip to go and meet him around noon, south of Jerusalem. Sometimes you just know it is right time with the right person. The Holy Spirit works in awesome ways to lead us and help us.

Ok, now what?
Pray with the person to accept Jesus into their heart. That means they will trust Him. It means they understand that even as a sinner He loved us. Died for our sins, (took our punishment) and was resurrected three days later. They need to understand that this is only the first step. The relationship building with Jesus starts now.
Building my relationship with Jesus has been amazing. I have always heard other people say they felt this or saw that. I couldn't understand why I didn't feel the same way. They seem to have a joy and a love that seemed to be manufactured right before they walked into the church. My is real!! I find that each day I grow closer to Jesus and learn more about Him that I am smiling more and feeling the joy that everyone was talking about.
Please if you have any questions or comments send them our way. has a page on salvation and answers some of the questions. It is a new website that is under construction. The salvation page on the site is complete.
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